Photo: Miller Ad Agency green screen photoshoot.
Venes & Thomas


Venes Alic is a Dallas-based designer at Miller Ad Agency. His work is project-based, and he is involved in every development step, from working directly with clients to conducting research, creating assets, delivering products, and creating distribution mechanisms.

tiger dance square vene alic
Illustration: Venes

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Creative Services & Data Management

From the inception of an ad to its delivery and analysis. Dallas, TX, and online.

Writing Content

TV Ads, website copy, social media.

Video Editing

Commercials, social media videos, animation.

Photo Shoots

On the set and in the green screen studio.

Web Design

Developing web content, websites, landing pages and maintaining websites.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO optimization through content optimization with Google Analytics, SEMrush, and other tools.

video shoot miller
Photo: TV commercial video shoot, Dallas